The Egg Thingy
Well, we are a week into setting up the new cave. We still have painters. We still have boxes. And, I still can’t find my camera cord so I can post up some before and after photos of the new digs. BUT … I finally actually made something, other than a sandwich or bowl of cereal, in the new cave-kitchen!:)Now, don’t get too excited. It wasn’t anything new, nor is there a new recipe to gawk at. However, it is a family favorite and was the overwhelming dish of choice for the cave clan this morning. I speak, of course of The Egg Thingy, pictured here on some of Western Bagel’s best.
It really got my jets going, too, as I finished up the delicious day starter and ended up going through about 2/3 of the boxes that filled the garage. You can actually see out to the street from the back end, now!

In fact, we felt comfortable enough from our efforts to take the night off last night, employ the now geographically nigh Cave-in-laws’ babysitting services, and head out for a real late-date-night with the Cavewoman … our first in nearly a year. Our first stop was at a very highly recommended local (actually walking distance) Japanese restaurant called Sushi Yusho. Happily, it lived up to the hype and was very delicious. The service was great, sushi chefs friendly, and the clientele seemed to be mostly very satisfied regulars. We will definitely be returning soon, and I plan on doing a full write up of this fishy-find.
Next, we stopped at Claim Jumper for a very sinful dessert they call a Chocolate Chip Calzone. A traditional Italian pizza dough turnover filled with very untraditional ingredients: butter, and semi-sweet and white chocolate chips. When it comes out of the oven, they top it with vanilla ice cream, whipped cream and drizzled fudge sauce. Ohhhhhhhh, Man! Is it gooooood!!

Toad The Wet Sprocket
The final stop of the evening was a local live music venue called The Canyon Club. A place that attracts a wide array of name acts in a smaller, comfortable setting. The headliner were some old friends from Santa Barbara collectively called Toad The Wet Sprocket, a band that has had several top hits and really play a very unique, melodic brand of rock. It was so good to see the boys together again, enjoying what they do best. The packed house enjoyed it, too! Sorry for the lousy pic, but it’s not bad for a Palm Centro, eh?!?After the 2.5 hour set and some long overdue reunions with the SB faithful, we had to head home and relieve the over-generous grandparents who reveled in the fact they only had a 15 minute drive home (it used to be an hour-fifteen!). It was a great night, and one that we really needed after a crazy year of house selling and buying, packing, and moving. Obviously, we are far from settled-in, and I can’t do the planned post about our actual move until I find that darn cord. But, I now feel like we are indeed here: I’ve cooked, found a great sushi spot, seen some live music in the hood, and have finally posted something longer than a haiku here!

©2010 Caution: Caveman Cooking/UHearMe, Inc. All rights reserved. This originally appeared on the Caution: Caveman Cooking blog at http://cavemancooking.net authored by Caveman. This may be shared and reprinted as long as this entire copyright message accompanies it.
[Via http://cavemancooking.wordpress.com]
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