Maybe it’s the rainy weather we’ve been having. Maybe it’s the tradition of winter foods. Somehow Mr. Clouds in the Night Sky and I have been thinking an awful lot about soup lately. Have you noticed how truly pitiful the selection is in the supermarket? I don’t care who’s name is on it, or who’s picture is on the can–that right there is the problem: if it’s in a can, it won’t taste like real soup. Now, I say this as a born-and-bread bred Campbell’s soup person. My mom used to make me Cream of Mushroom soup when I was sick, as a special treat. I probably had Campbell’s Minestrone soup once a week every week between the ages of 9 and 17. Alas, those happy golden days are no more. Nooooo, now I’m not satisfied unless it’s extraordinary freshly made soup.
Tonight: Split Pea Soup
Another soup I’ve never made before, but I had kept the ham hock from a Christmas ham, and this seemed like the perfect time to use it. True, I was fantasizing about one of those cassoulets that are days in the making, but then I woke myself up.

So green!
Anyway, a bag of dried split peas, some sauted onions with a dash of cayenne, some chopped celery and carrots, a couple of bay leaves, tarragon, and thyme. I also put a glug of balsamic vinegar in with the water I added (again I rue the lack of chicken stock in my pantry!), and threw in a handful of brown rice towards the end (I had added the amount of water specified in the directions, but it seemed way too watery for me, thus the rice–plus I like a little more heartiness).

Cayenne and Tarragon from Pharmer Phil
And, voila: Split Pea Soup with ham and a garnish of sour cream
Very satisfying and rich!
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