Friday, January 8, 2010

The Easy How-To Instruction Guide for All Things Important

Eating French Fries

1. Always eat fries in pairs of two, who are very close to identical length. Do not eat one, four, seven, or eleven fries at one time. Only two. Think French fry twins.

2. If you get to the end of your fries, and you discover a single fry left, you should tear said fry in have and eat it as two fries. This is not the ideal situation since they are not true pairs, but in a bind, this works.

Losing a Man

1. Tell him you want to spend loads more time with him.

2. Tell him you want to be exclusive.

3. Give him an old-school casual greeting.

4. Mention your favorite color is red, blue, yellow, green, orange, purple, white or black.

Hemming Your Pants—N/A. Leave well enough alone and contact your mother.

Adopting a Pet

1. Take him/her to the vet immediately.

2. Have vet remove all cancerous cells promptly.

3. Constantly worry that he/she has cancer.


1. Do not do anything I have done.

2. Do not do anything I have done.

3. Do not do anything I have done.

Taking Pain Relievers

1. Keep well stocked at all times in every situation. Work, home, car, purse.

2. Do not buy two bottles of Ibuprofen and accidentally take both bottles home when you meant to have a bottle at work because then you’ll be in pain without relief.


1. Invite someone over, preferably a hottie.

2. Tell him/her you have lots of kitchen items to cook things in.

3. Tell him/her to have at it because you ain’t cook.


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