Monday, January 18, 2010

Freezer Food Fest #10

It’s official! We’re moving!! So, I have been given a “request” by the Cavewoman to empty the freezer before we hit the road. The pressure is on!

No, I haven’t forgotten about my quest for a food-free freezer. I’ve just been a bit under the weather the last couple of days. But, that hasn’t stopped this ongoing crusade that now has slightly under 30 days left.

The Cavewoman decided to make some of her delicious Cheese Enchiladas for the family, which I often add some chicken to for the carnivore crowd. But, I didn’t think I had enough time to defrost and then prepare the chicken properly for this dish. Though, I did spot a couple of NY Strip Steaks in the freezer that would make an excellent Carne Asada to go along side the Enchiladas.

We had also just received a box full of fresh picked Avocados from the Cave-in-laws who have a couple of very prolific trees in their backyard. So, while the steaks defrosted, I whipped up some fresh Guac (recipe to come this week, along with the Enchilada recipe). Of course, we had to nibble on some of it while we cooked, and even had to force ourselves to stop before none was left for the meal. I’d like to think that it’s my recipe that made it so good, but those Avocados were so creamy, buttery, and full of flavor that I probably could have added absolutely nothing and still found it as delicious! ;)

As for the Carne Asada, many recipes call for different kinds of marinades and spices. However, being the Caveman that I am, I try to keep it very simple. I just squeezed a little fresh lime juice onto the steaks and then dusted them with some World Spice Merchants Yucatan Rojo BBQ Rub – both sides. Covered them up and refrigerated for a couple of hours, and then grilled as usual. When done I just sliced them across the grain and served it up with the Enchiladas and Guacamole. We also chopped up some of the Serrano Chili Peppers we grow in our backyard and sprinkled them on top of the cheese-filled tortilla yumminess.

Needless to say, this was a big hit with the family. Everything melded so well together. Even my veggie wife was intrigued by the allure of the Asada and, again, the Cavekids devoured their meal meal like a T-rex on a sheep farm. Yet, another successful stop on the Freezer Food Fest sojourn!

©2010 Caution: Caveman Cooking/UHearMe, Inc. All rights reserved. This originally appeared on the Caution: Caveman Cooking blog at authored by Caveman. This may be shared and reprinted as long as this entire copyright message accompanies it.


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