Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A Visit From Laura

Laura came over last night around 9 pm, after picking up her new bed for her new apartment!

I had already gone to the grocery store, walked the dog, halved and pitted all the Italian Prunes and started them in the food dehydrator, eaten dinner, hung my laundry outside to dry, and made zucchini bread.

We had a glass of wine and talked while I halved and pitted the rest of the plums I’d picked at my grandparents’ house last weekend. The night before, I halved and pitted 75 plums and set them on trays in the freezer, which was the recommended storage method by my grandparents.

I had about 2/3 of the plums left to process, not counting the ones saved out for eating and the ones I’d eaten already (I ate WAY TOO MANY plums on Monday night, and we all know what happens when you do that), and I had the idea of simmering them in the left-over peach preserve syrup and freezing them in jars.

Laura suggested I bag the plums and freeze them in a chunk, if I thought I might later use a giant chunk of plums for something. I did this as well, with the plums that wouldn’t fit in the pot, because I want to make plum jam eventually, and that’ll take a giant chunk of plums.

So, to sum up, I dehydrated the prunes, I froze plums on cookie sheets and bagged them, I froze a giant chunk of plums in a bag, and I boiled plums in peach preserve syrup and froze them. We’ll see which method I prefer when I use them for other things (this will occur, I assume, when the fresh things are all gone).

Laura was nice enough to take the peaches I still had in my fridge home with her. She has a bag of peaches too, which we brought her after our 18 lb u-pick adventure, and she’s planning to make peach BBQ sauce. Mmmm, sounds so good! I also sent her home with a pot and some jars to make the sauce.

And yes, I’m exhausted!


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