Tuesday, September 29, 2009

weekend recap


  • a run at the beach, which is turning into a fun friday tradition. i definitely tend to push myself more there, i guess since the scenery is so much better and the path just keeps on going… i think i need to reevaluate my running route in west hollywood, I tend to get stuck within a few key busy streets that i don’t like to bother crossing. or maybe i’ll just start running in santa monica more, since the sun is disappearing earlier anyway.
  • finally went to canter’s deli. we split some delicious matzo ball soup and reubens (leftovers for lunch today, yum). (by the way, is it weird that we got saltines with our matzo ball soup?)
  • followed by a game of scrabble (i lost, but had a good a-m-e-o-b-a + l-i-b-i-d-o combination) and a few rounds of set, forgot how incredibly fun and addictive that game is.

photo of the day


  • yummy egg-and-whatever-leftovers-are-in-the-fridge scrambles
  • planned on going to the red bull soapbox race, but it just didn’t happen. probably better, since it was close to 100 degrees downtown. instead i whipped up smitten kitchen’s cheesecake marbled brownies (i just couldn’t resist any more). they are amazing. though my swirls weren’t quite as beautiful as deb’s.
  • headed to barney’s beanery for the penn state/iowa game. pretty awesome that it’s within walking distance, and just so happens to be the penn state bar (with a 25% discount for alums, whee!) awesome atmosphere (complete with citizen’s bank buttons!), but the game was shitty. ugh. iowa is officially our nemesis.
  • natalie finally made it from san diego for the end of the game, and then we went home to “nap” before getting up at 2am for our sleepover in hollywood forever cemetery and the sunrise Bon Iver show…

photo of the day


  • we got to the cemetery and there were already a ton of people camped out, so we spread out our sleeping bags and nestled in for a showing of bottle rocket, planet earth, and (in my case) a little snoozing. a thick layer of fog rolled in around 4 or so, and hung around for the rest of the morning. at 5:30 we were ‘gently’ nudged awake by buddhist monk chants, and Bon Iver started their set around 6am. having a sunrise concert in a cemetery was seriously one of the best ideas ever, and made what would have been an already amazing concert even better. natalie took some great photos for pitchfork.
  • after swapping banana bread and brownies (score!), she headed back to san diego, i took another nap.
  • got up a few hours later for my swimming lesson!
  • urth cafe for some coffee, and then more napping. football. scrabble. did i mention napping? (seriously, how did i make it through school?)
  • made some golabki and called it a weekend.

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